Baldridge On-Site Visit
/Dear Nor-Lea Family,
The Baldrige site visit is over! I am extremely proud of everyone. The examiners expressed how impressed they were with all of you and the work you do every day. The examiners are not the judges; but, they confirm the selection of Nor-Lea as a finalist and translate to the judges what they saw at Nor-Lea and confirm our processes. They are not to tell us their thoughts; but, our onsite examiner definitely let us know the visit went really well.
The examiner team will now share their information with the judges who will meet the week of September 9th. The judges will give their final rulings to the US Secretary of Commerce the week of the 16th of September. We will be notified within 2 weeks of the US Secretary of Commerce’s notification. So we wait. I will definitely let everyone know as soon as I hear a result.
I want you to know that regardless of the outcome of Baldrige, I am can’t be any prouder of you. The purpose of this journey is to ensure that our residents get the very best care possible. We got confirmation through this Baldrige Visit that Nor-Lea is an outstanding hospital with outstanding team members producing outstanding results. The Baldrige Framework has allowed us over the past 14 years to grow into the biggest and most innovative Critical Access Hospital in the United States. Lea County residents have benefit from all of your work and efforts throughout this journey.
The performance excellence journey that we have been on will continue as we strive to give our residents the best care possible; make Nor-Lea the best place to work; and create an environment where providers want to practice medicine.
Extremely Grateful,
David shaw, ceo/administrator