Previous Award Recipients

Quarter 2, 2023



Chelsi Wright Registered Nurse, Surgical Services

Nominated by Liberty Espinoza, Surgical Services Manager Chelsi is forward thinking and always striving to come up with innovative ways to improve patient experience and efficiency in the OR. From building goody bags for our pediatric patients or sending patients Thank You cards signed by the OR staff she is always looking for new ideas and ways we can improve our patient experience. Most recently she made laminated cards for our eye procedures that indicate whether a patient needs a wheelchair in the post op area. This visual cue assists the circulating nurse and has reduces errors and time during the day. They can quickly glance at the card and know which patient will need a wheelchair. Chelsi Thank You for all your hard work and dedication to our patients and continuing to strive for excellence. Thank you for all you do!



Linda Rogers Certified Scrub Tech, Surgical Tech

Nominated by Liberty Espinoza, Surgical Services Manager Linda's servant attitude is what we all as Nor-Lea employees should strive for. Her kind and compassionate spirit is contagious and she treats all of our patients like family. She was recently mentioned by name on a press ganey survey. "Linda the surgical nurse of Dr. Sharma is an angel! I love you dearly! She calmed me, made me feel safe, explained everything so I could understand. I am legally blind so some things are scarier than they really are sometimes." Linda thank you for your continued service to our patients.



Alyssa Vega Executive Assistant to CNO, Nor-Lea Hospital District

Nominated by BranDee Savell, Chief Nursing Officer Aly has been a true blessing to the administrative area. She assists me, the CNO, with all upcoming events and daily task, she assists Jenny Bridgforth with the risk and compliance and assist Mr. Shaw with a variety of things that need to get done day to day. Aly is the picture of accountability and empowerment by making sure everything is completed, scheduled, ordered, and by following up with everyone to double check things are perfect. For example, when we had nurse’s week she arranged the conference rooms, daily schedule of who was covering, donations, gift preparations and sorting, and the food for the nurses. She confirmed the event schedule with everyone and double checked when it was time to set up. So, when the food arrived, it was a surprise that it was not put into the warmers or ready to be served. Aly had showed up early to verify things were ready. When she realized it wasn’t ready, she jumped in and put all the food out and got everything ready for the nurse leaders who were coming to serve all the nurses who would be coming through for their lunch break. She spent every lunch that week at the nurse’s week activities to make sure everything was ready every day. When the food was delivered for the night shift, she came out after hours to make sure that it was set up for them in the same way. She wanted to be sure the week was special for the nurses and went above and beyond on the day shift, night shift, and offsite locations. Another example, Aly made sure that our nursing graduates were taken care of during their celebration dinner by personally reaching out to each and everyone of them to confirm they would be attending, getting the gifts ready for them, and coordinating the event location and celebration dinner. When things were not ready when she arrived at the event, she again jumped in to see what needed to be done.

Aly cares for all of us on a day-to-day basis by getting our lunch when needed, shutting our doors when she knows we need privacy, or by just bring us a Topo Chico when we look like we are having a bad day.

Aly is hard working, humble, professional, confidential and deserves the accountability/empowerment recognition because she takes on the responsibility to get things done and doesn’t mind going outside of her normal duties to make sure it is successful. NLHD is blessed to have her on our team and she makes administration an exceptional working environment



Bobbie Thompson Phlebotomist, Laboratory Services

Nominated by Aylene Salcido, Colleague During a routine blood draw, the patient went unconscious as a reaction to the draw itself. The patient then proceeded to seize before regaining consciousness. Bobbie followed every protocol including paging a STAT nurse. She did not leave the patient's side until the patient was okay to leave the lab. She checked blood pressure, blood glucose, got water, cold rags. On top of everything, all of the blood that was needed to be drawn was successfully collected. During this STAT nurse, some staff was delayed but Bobbie did not miss a beat and handled the situation alone exceptionally well and helped once the rest of the team arrived. After this occurrence, Bobbie has gone above and beyond to train the rest of the phlebotomists to be prepared for any possible situations like this.



Judith Macias Environmental Tech, Nor-Lea Hospital District

Nominated by Liberty Espinoza, Surgical Services Manager On Tuesday July 20, we had an unexpected service of our call light system. The team had to work into the night to get this done before the next day. With the work came a lot of dust and debris in the OR. Judith our OR housekeeper was asked to come in when they were done to terminally clean the OR rooms and clean the department. Without hesitation, she told me “just let me know when they are done and I’ll come back.” Judith came back into work that night and did a deep clean on the OR department and terminally cleaned the OR rooms. Judith went above and beyond the call of duty that night and did not have to come in to do this. If she had not come in that night surgeries would have been delayed or even cancelled due to the mess that was created. Judith is a team player and is always willing to go the extra mile for her co-workers and our patients. Judith takes pride and ownership in her work and the department. She took on the responsibility to make sure our OR was spotless the next day for our patients to safely have surgery. Thank you Judith.



Shannon Allen, CRNA Board-Certified Nurse Anesthetist, Surgical Services

Nominated by Jordan Day, DPM, FACFAS, Board-Certified Surgeon Shannon’s passion and dedication to her profession empowers others and she fights to do what is right for our patients daily.

Jordan Day wrote this about her:

“Shannon is a great example of Empowerment.

During a recent urgent surgery, the patient was not able to receive anesthesia because of cardiac issues. Many anesthesia teams would have checked out and gone to lunch. But Shannon stayed close by, answering questions and giving suggestions during conscious sedation. She is a teacher at heart and made sure everyone was comfortable with the situation.

A few days later she again exemplified her skills as a practitioner and facilitated the management of a patient with abnormal lab values. Her calm attitude and knowledge calmed the patient and family. Both of my surgeries wouldn’t have been a success without her being a team player.

These two examples are evidence of her passion and dedication to her profession, not in a selfish or personal way, but to her field and the hospital. She is a key element in the success of the surgery department and empowers everyone she works with.”

Thank you, Shannon, for your servant heart, leadership and compassion. We are fortunate to have you here at Nor-Lea.