Our Purpose

The purpose of the Nor-Lea Hospital District Patient and Family Advisory Council is to deliver an exceptional experience using collaboration between patients, their family members, providers and Nor-Lea Hospital District employees.

What is the Patient and Family Advisory Council (PFAC)?

PFAC is a group of patients, family members, and caregivers who meet once a quarter and work together to improve patient experience at Nor-Lea Hospital District.

Who Can Join the PFAC?

Members must have been a patient of a family member of a patient who utilized services at Nor-Lea Hospital District within the last two years upon the beginning of the member’s term on the patient and Family Advisory Council or be a staff member of Nor-Lea Hospital District

How Often Does PFAC Hold Meetings?

Meetings are held quarterly. Dates, time and location are tentatively announced one month in advance.


Our goals and objectives include:

  • To provide an opportunity for Nor-Lea Hospital District staff and providers to hear patient and family experiences from their perspectives.

  • To integrate the expectations of patients and their families into care provided at Nor-Lea facilities.

  • To establish a meaningful link between Nor-Lea Hospital District and the surrounding communities.

  • To promote respectful, effective collaboration between patients, families and Nor-Lea Hospital District staff and physicians.

  • To increase efficiency in the patient care process.

  • To offer a forum for developing creative, cost-effective solutions to problems and challenges faced by Nor-Lea Hospital District.

  • To improve patient and family satisfaction with their health care experience.

  • To increase job satisfaction for Nor-Lea Hospital District staff and physician

Click Here to Download the Family Advisory Council Policy

Apply to Become a Member

Members must have been a patient or family member of a patient who utilized services at Nor-Lea Hospital District within the last two years upon the beginning of the member’s term on the Patient and Family Advisory Council or be a staff member of Nor-Lea Hospital District.

Please send your completed application form to: Jenny Bridgforth, Risk Management Email: jenny.bridgforth@nlgh.org Phone: (575) 396-6611 ext. 5604