Nominated by Jenny Flowers, RN | Colleague

I would like to nominate Abegail Yocum for the exceptional care award for compassion. I would like to start out by explaining that I work in the wound care clinic as a nurse. On this particular day, we were short-staffed and very busy. We had a patient arrive from a local nursing home that required one-on-one care, but the patient was dropped off in the waiting room with no assistance. While in the waiting room waiting for appointment, the patient was calling out for assistance due to a panic attack. The patient was soon brought back to our department via wheelchair by Ms. Abegail. I heard her soft voice speaking peacefully to the patient to calm her.

Once in the treatment room, Abegail assisted me in transferring patients via hover lift from wheelchair to stretcher. Abegail stayed at the patient’s side for the whole visit. The patient stated that she had not had lunch and was very hungry and thirsty. Abegail told her she would get her something from the cafeteria. She came back shortly with a sandwich, pudding, and some ice water. Abegail assisted the patient with her meal and the patient was very happy with the food and finished all the of the lunch Abegail had brought her. Throughout the whole visit Abegail stayed by the patient’s side, tending to her with a fan when she got too hot and feeding her bites of pudding. Abegail also talked with the patient about the patient’s love for horses and her favorite vacation spots. At the end of the visit, Abbey assisted me with transferring the patient back to her wheelchair from the stretcher.

The care and attention from Abegail Yocum given to our patient was both outstanding and time consuming. I know working in a busy clinic that time is very important and valuable. I very much appreciate employees that take the time out of their busy schedules to help and assist not only other departments but also help with patients that require a little extra care and comfort. I know that our patient very much appreciated Abbey that day, but even more I know how much we appreciated her that day. Thank you for all you do Abegail!

“Our human compassion binds us the one to the other – not in pity or patronizingly, but as human beings who have learnt how to turn our common suffering into hope for the future.”
 – Nelson Mandela

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